beer ビール bīru

Beer reigns supreme in Japan. Think the Japanese prefer sake? Think again! Beer consumption far outpaces sake. On average, the Japanese consume:

Japan’s beer scene is dominated by pale lagers around 5% ABV, largely produced by the four brewing giants: Asahi, Kirin, Sapporo and Suntory.

Types of beer:

  • 生ビール nama bīru (draft beer)
  • 瓶ビール bin bīru (bottled beer)
  • 黒ビール kuro bīru (dark beer)
  • 発泡酒 happōshu (low-malt beer)
  • 地ビール ji-bīru (craft/local beer)
  • アイピーエー ai-pī-ee (IPA)
  • ノンアルコールビール non-arukōru bīru (non-alcoholic beer)

Beware of beer impostors! Lower-malt brews known as 発泡酒 happōshu (bubbly alcohol) and non-malt 発泡性 happōsei (bubbly) have bubbled their way into the market, benefiting from lower taxes. These beer-like brews contain little to no malt at all. Happōsei is often crafted with ingredients like soybeans, corn, or peas to mimic the flavor of beer.

How to recognize (and possibly avoid) 発泡酒 happōshu?

See also Asahi; Kirin.