food 食べ物 tabemono
Japan’s culinary landscape is a delicate balance between “so beautiful you don’t want to eat it” and “so delicious you can’t stop eating it.” From simple street food to elaborate 懐石 kaiseki multi-course meals, Japanese cuisine celebrates seasonality, presentation, and the art of making the ordinary extraordinary.
Need to know:
- Most dishes come with ご飯 gohan (rice).
- Portions are smaller than Western servings, but you’ll order multiple dishes.
- Start the meal by saying いただきます Itadakimasu! (I humbly receive).
- Conclude the meal by saying ご馳走様でした Gochisōsama deshita (It was a feast).
- Slurping noodles is not just allowed but encouraged – it shows appreciation.
- Confused by the cutlery? See chopsticks for a primer.
Reading the menu
The weird plastic food displays (食品サンプル shokuhin sampuru) outside restaurants are your best friends when you can’t read the menu. Want to give the menu a try? Then here’s your essential Japanese food vocabulary:
- 茶碗蒸し chawanmushi: Steamed egg custard
- 丼 donburi: Rice bowl with toppings
- 枝豆 edamame: Steamed, salted young soybeans
- 餃子 gyōza: Meat or veggie dumplings
- 懐石料理 kaiseki ryōri: Japanese-style taste platter with small dishes
- 菓子パン kashipan: Sweet-filled Japanese pastry buns
- カレーライス karē raisu: Curry rice, mildly sweet curry over rice with meat and veggies
- 神戸牛 Kōbe gyū: Wagyu beef from the Tajima strain of Japanese Black cattle
- おでん oden: A Japanese hot pot dish, popular in the winter season
- 明太子 mentaiko: Savoury marinated cod roe topping
- 味噌汁 miso shiru: Savoury soup with seaweed and often tofu
- 納豆 nattō: Fermented, sticky soybeans
- 肉じゃが nikujaga: Hearty meat and potato stew
- お好み焼き okonomiyaki: Japanese savoury pancakes with mix-ins
- おにぎり onigiri: Rice balls with flavourful fillings
- ラーメン rāmen: Flavourful, hearty noodle soup
- 刺身 sashimi: Fresh, raw seafood slices (no rice included)
- しゃぶしゃぶ shabu-shabu: A type of hot pot dish similar to sukiyaki
- そば soba: Buckwheat noodles
- すき焼き sukiyaki: Rich, sweet-savoury hot pot
- 寿司 sushi: Vinegared rice with toppings, often (but not always) raw seafood
- たこ焼き takoyaki: Octopus-filled savoury balls
- 玉子焼き tamagoyaki: Sweet, fluffy layered omelette
- 天ぷら tempura: Crispy, deep-fried seafood or veggies
- 鉄板焼き teppanyaki: Food prepared on a metal plate
- 豆腐 tōfu: Coagulated soy milk, pressed into blocks
- 豚カツ tonkatsu: Crispy, deep-fried, succulent pork cutlet
- うどん udon: Thick noodles in a savoury broth
- うなぎの蒲焼き unagi no kabayaki: Sweet-glazed, grilled eel on rice
- 和菓子 wagashi: Traditional sweet treats with beans and fruits
- 和牛 wagyū: Collective name for four Japanese breeds of beef cattle
- 焼きそば yakisoba: Stir-fried noodles with savoury sauce
- 焼き鳥 yakitori: Grilled chicken skewers
Not looking for a restaurant meal? Consider a visit to a konbini.