Mount Fuji 富士山 Fujisan
The iconically conical volcano, and at 3,776 meters, Japan’s highest mountain.
It appears in approximately 83% of all photos taken in Japan, intentionally or not.
Three has-to-knows:
🗻 Everyone calls it “Fuji-san” (Mr. Fuji), because even mountains deserve respect
🗻 It’s an active volcano (last eruption: 1707)
🗻 You can see it from Tokyo on clear days (i.e. 7 ish days per year)
Feeling like a climb? The official climbing season is from early July to mid-September. The unofficial climbing season is whenever you feel like gambling with your life.
Mount Fuji has three view statuses:
- Perfect view: Today is suspiciously clear. (Very rare!)
- No view: This is the authentic Fuji experience.
- Partial view: That cloud is shaped exactly like where Fuji should be.
Fuji Pareidolia: The mountain appears so frequently in art and photography that Japanese artists developed what art historians call Fuji Pareidolia, the unconscious tendency to see or add Fuji into landscapes where it doesn’t exist. The Japanese don’t see Jesus in their toast, they see Mount Fuji.