samurai 侍

A legendary warrior class who mastered the art of looking fabulous in shoulder pads while living by a code that said yes to writing emotional poetry about cherry blossoms, and also yes to slicing open your own stomach when things get awkward.

What they were:

What they weren’t:

The samurai starter pack:

  • katana: The curved sword that spent more time as a status symbol than actually cutting things

  • 脇差 wakizashi: The backup sword for when the first one gets stuck in someone

  • Elaborate armor: Because intimidation is half the battle

  • 丁髷 chonmage: The original man-bun

  • 武士道 bushido code: Honor guidelines with more loopholes than tax law

Fun fact: Many samurai were literate and cultured, expected to master the “dual path of the brush and sword.” Imagine your CrossFit instructor also teaching poetry and flower arrangement, and you’ve got the idea.

See also ninja.