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Bingo ビンゴ
Got lost in a train station
Bowed to a vending machine
Used wrong end of chopsticks
Had a conversation with a talking bathroom
Spotted salary man sleeping standing up
Took photo of plastic food display
Accidentally bought macha-flavored snack
Found Kit Kat flavor that shouldn’t exist
Experienced konbini greeting chorus
Survived Shibuya crossing
Saw Mt. Fuji
Got overtaken by speed-walking お婆ちゃん obā-chan (granny)
Took photograph doing the peace sign at temple
Glimpsed a 舞子 maiko (geisha apprentice)
Took プリクラ purikura (photo booth) with beauty filter set to maximum
Spotted someone cosplaying a Nintendo character
Sat on heated toilet seat
Paid for お通し otōshi even though you actively tried to avoid it